Monday, 13 April 2020

April 14-17

Welcome to week 2 of distance learning. (I miss you!)  I hope you are getting out for some fresh air and doing some exercise. There will be another survey at the end of this week to see how you found the work. As always, if you have any questions please e-mail me or send me a message on Dojo!

Grade 4: You will listen to and read information about life in Ancient Greece.  I have sent a Google slides presentation to your Social Studies file through Hapara. You can only view it and click the links to other readings. Click the audio symbol on each slide to hear information about the slide topic.  PLEASE DO NOT WORRY IF YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND EVERYTHING YOU HEAR OR READ.  You can review the slides a few times and replay the audio. If you understand a small thing from each page, that is great! Use the pictures to help your comprehension. When doing the readings, you may also use to help you.  Again, you do not need to understand every word.  It is normal when learning a new language to not understand everything. You should try to understand the basic idea of the readings.

After you have looked at, listened to and read the information in the Google Slides, please write in your digital journal a self-introduction as though you are living in Ancient Greece based on what you learned. (Don't forget to write the date in French at the top of your Ancient Greek self-intro).

Here is a website with Ancient Greek names- please choose an Ancient Greek name! In your self-intro answer the following questions (and more if you can!): What is your name? Where do you live? What's your favourite food? What do you wear? You can be creative with this. Please write at least five sentences (more preferred).  (Je m'appelle... / J'habite.../ Ma nourriture préférée c'est..../Je porte.../ J'aime.../ Mon papa.../ etc.)

If you want to do extra study this week, continue to work on duolingo and/or do a real journal entry.  You may also do some coding in French using this link and making sure you switch the language to French: Minecraft Coding practice  Let me know what level you get to in the survey at the end of the week!

Grade 5:  You will do a Google Slides presentation about "Les inventions autochtones" (inventions by Indigenous people from Canada.)  You can use the following links to get you started on your research:
Link 1 (you may have to zoom to read as some typing is small) 
Link 2 ( you may check around this website for other possible inventions)
Link 3 (some repetition with link 1)

Your presentation should have two parts. First, list the five most useful inventions in your life and second, list what you think are the five most useful inventions for Canadian society.  These are probably going to be different, though a few may be the same. You should include images and explanations. Use and please. When you have completed DO NOT SHARE IT WITH ME. Please set the sharing option to "anyone with a link". (Watch this video for how to do that). Then you may add your presentation to my Padlet wall: (watch this video for how to do this) Please note I used a Google slide presentation I prepared for my grade fours as an example, so please don't be confused! Your Google slides should be about "Les inventions autochtones".)  You should be able to see each others' Google Slides on the Padlet.

If you want to do extra study this week, try making  and explaining an invention of your own. You can do this in a Google Draw, Google Slides or other way of your choice as long as you share it with me. You can also continue to work on duolingo and/or do a journal entry.  We will continue doing our monthly presentations so you can work on that too. I will give instructions on how to present these in the next couple of weeks.