Grade 4:
Social Studies
1) Listen to the following video: Les parties d'un château. Complete the worksheet shared in your Social Studies folder in your Google Drive by identifying the various parts of a castle.
2) Watch and answer the questions during this video. (I have put a question where you write your name- of course that will not be graded as it says!)
Find something for Show and Tell which we will present at this week's Google Meet. Practice a bit before so you know how to talk about your treasure in French. If you won't be able to join the Google Meet, then please do your Show and Tell on Flipgrid using this link: .
Optional: Continue with duolingo or journal entries. Next week, I will be giving you access to the levelled readers on A-Z reading. In the meantime, take a look at some stories written by other students on La bibliothèque virtuelle. You need to be signed in to your student Google account to access this. (Also, the class books are here!!! I will figure out how to get them to you soon.)
Grade 5:
As I e-mailed last week, most students needed more time to finish the drama project (see last week's blog post for details) so I will assign less this week expecting that this will also be finished.
As I e-mailed last week, most students needed more time to finish the drama project (see last week's blog post for details) so I will assign less this week expecting that this will also be finished.
Next week, I will be giving the access to the A-Z reading books to the Grade 4s. This week, I have assigned one book in particular that you should see when you sign into your account. It is a level G book called "Ma journée". Please read it. Once you have read it, use it as a base to write a detailed journal entry about your daily schedule. Use the vocabulary from the book like "Je me lève" and add the time if you can "à 9h00." You can also write sentences like: "De 10h00 à 11h00 je fais mes devoirs." Instead of a journal entry, you may do this in google slides with photos or drawings. Whether you choose to do this in your Google Doc journal or in a Google Slide like a little reader, please share your work with me when you are finished so I know where it is and that it is ready to be checked. *If you are finished your drama or not planning to do it, then I recommend doing the Google Slides version of this task.
Finally, find something for Show and Tell which we will present at this week's Google Meet. Practice a bit before so you know how to talk about your treasure in French. If you won't be able to join the Google Meet, then please do your Show and Tell on Flipgrid using this link: .
Optional: Continue with duolingo or journal entries. Read some other levelled readers of your choice on A-Z reading. Next week you will no longer have access.
Finally, find something for Show and Tell which we will present at this week's Google Meet. Practice a bit before so you know how to talk about your treasure in French. If you won't be able to join the Google Meet, then please do your Show and Tell on Flipgrid using this link: .
Optional: Continue with duolingo or journal entries. Read some other levelled readers of your choice on A-Z reading. Next week you will no longer have access.