Monday, 4 May 2020

May 4-8

Bonjour tout le monde! Comment ça va? Voici le travail pour la semaine:

Grade 4: 


1) Watch this video of some simple experiments about sound (le son). Try one or two of these experiments at home. Fill in the Google Doc in your Science folder in Google drive with the information about the experiment you choose to do (les matériaux, les instructions, l'hypothèse, l'observation, la conclusion) like we have done in class before.

Note:  You can print the sheet and write or draw by hand and send me a photo of the finished sheet. Or you can attach photos or videos of you trying the experiment(s) into the Google doc. Or, just write what you can in French in the document. *There are two experiments on the Google Doc, but depending on your timing, you can just fill out the first one. Please be sure to leave enough time to also do #2 below.)

2)  In the Science folder of your Google Drive there is a second document called "Transparent, Translucide et Opaque."  Use this video to see examples of what to do and what the words mean, then complete the document.  The first box on the document is done as an example. 

As always, you can do Duolingo and journal entries. I automatically get weekly reports for Duolingo so I can see who is on, but if you do a journal entry please be sure to share it with me so I know you are writing them!

New!: For those who like drawing, try this excellent tutorial on how to draw a simple face. Change some things to make it original (or a self-portrait) by altering the hair or adding glasses for example. Be creative! If you do this activity, I would love to see a picture of your work. You can share via Class Dojo or e-mail me.

Grade 5: 

Science: Watch this video about the nervous system and this video about the circulatory system. To aid comprehension put on closed caption (CC) and on settings reduce playback speed to .75. 

Then, watch this video with some simple experiments you can try at home. Fill in the Google Doc in your Science folder in your Drive with the information about the experiment you choose to do (les matériaux, les instructions, l'hypothèse, l'observation, la conclusion) like we have done in class before.

Note:  You can print the sheet and write or draw by hand and send me a photo of the finished sheet. Or you can attach photos or videos of you trying the experiment(s) into the Google doc. Or, just write what you can in French in the document. *There are two experiments on the Google Doc, but depending on your timing, you can just fill out the first one. Please be sure to leave enough time to also do the reading task below.)


I can see that a few students tried A-Z reading last week. I would like everyone to log in and read 3-5 books at least at a level where you are comfortable reading out loud and can understand the majority of the book. Next week, I will ask you to read for me on Flipgrid, so please practice this week.

(Go to and click Kids' Login. My Teacher Username is Fraschool and last Monday I sent you an email with your password.  Go to the "Reading Room" to access the French leveled readers.)

As always, you can do Duolingo and journal entries. I automatically get weekly reports for Duolingo so I can see who is on, but if you do a journal entry, please be sure to share it with me so I know you are writing them! 

New!: For those who like drawing, try this excellent tutorial on how to draw a simple face. Change some things to make it original (or a self-portrait) by altering the hair or adding glasses for example. Be creative! If you do this activity, I would love to see a picture of your work. You can share via Class Dojo or e-mail me.